Yesterday, history was made. For the first time, a former American president became a convicted felon and was found guilty on 34 counts.
This news carried me back to November 2016 when I was visiting family and friends in Southern California–a trip I had booked without realizing it overlapped with U.S. Election Day.

UNITY CLUB (Orca Book Publishers, 2018)
As many Canadians will attest, American politics impact us as well. And while I was in the U.S., the buzz about the upcoming election and the startling turn it seemed to be taking was palpable. Still, I hoped for the best.
While votes were tabulated and reported upon that evening, my fears grew. I was far from alone in that sentiment and the flurry of texts from my university-aged children back home mirrored my sense of dread.
“Mom, he’s pulling ahead.”
“I’m afraid he might win.”
“OMG what if he wins?”
And later, “Mom, I can’t believe Hilary just conceded.”
After a sleepless night and lots of tears, I rose and saw firsthand the fear many Americans were feeling. The distress was rampant… sobbing, businesses closed by marginalized owners fearing a resurgence of hatred, and hushed conversations about family conflict and divisiveness.
After yet more tears, I did what authors often do: I began to write.
I decided my next book would feature a young female president who, although imperfect, held a strong social conscience; believed in a kind, inclusive society; and was prepared to alter her views when facts warranted.
That book became UNITY CLUB – a title I’m extra proud of as the words “convicted felon” and “34 counts” ring out.
My goals in writing UNITY CLUB were to help foster empathy; to encourage respect for individual differences; and to invite people to search deeply for facts and to examine them critically.
Given the heartache and hatred the now-convicted felon seemed intent on emboldening in the days that followed, may yesterday’s guilty verdicts offer some healing. May all 34 convictions further offer hope that society can move forward and embrace the justice, empathy, and unity that many of us found lacking during the 45th presidential term.
Here’s to better tomorrows.